As much as it pains me to say it, Sarah Dessen has decided she needs a bit of a break from writing, for now. This in no means necessary is the beginning of the end. She fully intends to write another book and even more after that but, as she stated in her most recent
tumblr post, she doesn't have the right idea yet to keep her writing much past page three. Understandable. Anyone who's tried to write nearly anything has been there. I know I definitely have. But, thankfully, her new book,
Saint Anything, did release in May, so we have that to hold us over for a little while. According to Dessen it is "one of [her] best." All the more reason to run out and pick it up ASAP! I can't wait to read it!
"Peyton, Sydney’s charismatic older brother, has always been the star of the family, receiving the lion’s share of their parents’ attention and—lately—concern. When Peyton’s increasingly reckless behavior culminates in an accident, a drunk driving conviction, and a jail sentence, Sydney is cast adrift, searching for her place in the family and the world. When everyone else is so worried about Peyton, is she the only one concerned about the victim of the accident?
Enter the Chathams, a warm, chaotic family who run a pizza parlor, play bluegrass on weekends, and pitch in to care for their mother, who has multiple sclerosis. Here Sydney experiences unquestioning acceptance. And here she meets Mac, gentle, watchful, and protective, who makes Sydney feel seen, really seen, for the first time."
Saint Anything book jacket